If we want to get boon from God, first understand what the God is. It does not give fruitful results whether the God is there or not unless you understand the characteristics of the God.the atheists argued that they never see the God so they say "he is no where" and also the theists donot able to understand the power of the God so they confused to conclude about the God. This tend the confused way to relate the path between human being and the God. Our Divineguru Karunaimigu Vadalur Ramalingam Iyya Created "Thiruvarutpa" by his full involvement and enthusiasm to construct a broadway to Understand the relationship between humane and the God also it is accepted by atheist and theist. Following his footsteps, we may try to interaction(sathvisaram)about the maignanam through scientifically.
Size of the Universe:
It has the diameter of 10,000millions Light years distance and 50,000millions light years distance total cubic space. one light year distance isequal to the light which passes a distance in one year with the speed of nearly 3 lakhs km/per seconds. Like the light, which passes 10,000millions light years distance that is the total diametre space of the universe. In the universe there are nearly 8millions galaxies. In each galaxy has 140,000millions suns. Each sun has the family of many planets. Each and every galaxy has the diameter from 1lakh to 10millions light years distance.
Size of the Galaxy: Our galaxy(milkyway galaxy)is the smallest, has the diameter of 1lakh light years distance. Our sun is in the group of middlest shape and also it is 1.3millions times bigger than our Earth. If we draw the map of universe with correct measure of scale in solar's family size of (the diameter of solar family is 19,000millions Km)plain paper, the earth size will be accomadate only a head of the ball pin size.From this most&most smallest planet, the Earth, the people worship human beings, Kings, warriors, wise intelligents, saints, prophets, creatores eventhough they are born and also fighting with each other which one is the apex till their life end.
Different names of the God:
The prophets are representing the god in different names with their language, It represents in english "God", in Sanskrit "Parabrahmmam", in Roman "Christ", in Arabic "Allah" in Tamil "Arutperunjyothi, Adhibaghavan, Paramapitha, Iraivan".
How to attain the truth: The God, the one and only power, who controlling over the total space of 50,000millions light year cubicdistanceUniverse, must be worshipped by without structure, without equal. The only way to attain the truth about the God is to worship him beyond the caste, religious, ethnic, occupation, etc., it will provides the immediate results. The Apex power is also beyond the reason, place, time, etc. so we should be worship him without taking the non-veg and provide the annadhanam(feast) to the people, it provides the true worship.Many persons do the meditation but no one get the attainment to reach the God with taking non-veg food.
The result of feast (Annadhanam): It must be the work of providing the food to the people who are below 12years old with unprivileged and unaided, and above 72 years old poor peoples and handicapped peoples. This is the true Annadhanam. If we do it with the money of others and also to the people who is in good health, it creates the lazy people and it cannot provide the good result. so it should be done with their own money. In the Sovereignty of God there is no food drain in our country. So now the people require the Provide of Love, knowledge, peace, good character and be good human being. To be continued next week..........
From: http://www.vallalarspace.com/MahaMandhirapeedam/Articles/1757
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